Instead of just mindlessly repeating the same "Thank you for your service" line, and then patting yourself on the back and telling everyone how much you support your troops, you actually REALLY do something for them or their families. If you want to support them when they are deployed, tie a yellow ribbon around a tree, or mailbox. If you know of a family in your neighborhood whose loved one is serving, offer to mow their lawn, or shovel their driveway. Drop off dinner one night, or offer to babysit so the Spouse can have a few hours to themselves. The littlest gestures go a long way when you are lonely for your loved one and taking on not just your own responsibilities, but your spouses as well. They carry the weight of the world on their shoulders for periods as long as 12-18 months. Any little show of appreciation for their Spouse goes a long way towards helping them to make it through.
Let's not forget the Veterans. Not just of our current war, but of previous wars as well. The Vietnam vets were treated like criminals when they came home, and honestly it hasn't gotten much better over time. If you see a Vietnam Vet, shake their hand and tell them you appreciate their service. I'm telling you it will make their day. It shouldn't matter whether you feel a war is "justified" or not, you should always support your Troops. Our World War Vets are disappearing too rapidly. Cherish the time we have left with them, if they talk, listen. They have so much wisdom to share but not enough people are listening.
I am not trying to start a new fad here, just reminding you of the basics. A yellow ribbon, wear red on Fridays, or lower your flag to half staff to honor a fallen Hero. Almost a month ago, we lost a true life American Hero and we heard crickets from the White House. No acknowledgment of the huge loss this Country suffered. Just more vacations, golf games, and cover-ups. The First Lady has time to go on a late night talk show and dance, present an Oscar, and to go skiing. She and the VP's Wife are supposed to be active in supporting our Troops and their families and not one word from them either. This is a travesty. So I say this to the White House: "I triple dog dare you" to make a statement to the press for flags to be lowered to half staff on March 2nd, one month since we lost such a great and honorable Hero.
To my fellow Patriots, I encourage you to show your support. Lower your flags, tie up your ribbons, and take a moment during the day to think of Chris and of his Family. Say a prayer to give them strength to make it through this tremendous loss. Please don't let his sacrifice and the sacrifice of all of our fallen warriors be forgotten. Continue the support. Leave the yellow ribbons up until all our Troops are home. Tell the stories of our heroes to your Children so they will pass it on to theirs. Don't let their memory fade. Those who forget their past, are bound to repeat it.
Think Yellow! I dare you!
Respectfully yours,
“We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us.”
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