Thursday, February 28, 2013

DV Public Service Annoucement

Who is the Dysfunctional Veteran and what does he stand for?

I am a Doctor, a Lawyer, a Congressman.
I am your Mayor, your First Responder, your Mailman, your Trash Collector.
I'm the Banker, the Mechanic, the Store Owner.
I am Unemployed.

I am the Spouse, Family Member, a Friend; who is fed up with the treatment of our Veterans.
I am who I need to be.

I am a Veteran who took an oath long ago, and who still holds true to that oath, to Defend the Constitution and ensure the rights of all Americans.  My beloved country is in a downward spiral and is currently out of control.  Change must happen and not just be promised.  This country needs to move forward.  Our elected officials have failed or are failing.

I am a Vet who has had enough.  A line has been drawn. Not in the sand, but at my front door.  I am a loyal Patriot forced to wear a mask in fear of retaliation against me or my family.  A servant to a country whose own government is trying to label him a current threat to this republic.  The time has come to take a stand.  Demand our right to be heard.  Action must be taken now, before it's too late and you wonder where we went wrong.  No more is our government or national news going to target and label Veterans "Enemy of the State."  We are the State.  The Countdown has begun, the fuse lit.  The time remaining rests on our elected officials to truly start the change and take our beloved country in the direction it needs to go.

I am who I need to be.

Think Yellow, I DARE you!

As we approach one month since the tragic loss of an American Hero, I have come to the realization that the majority of the people of this Country just don't seem to care at all about the sacrifices our Troops have and are still making for their Freedom.  After 9/11, I saw flags flying everywhere, people slapped support ribbons on their vehicles and shook the hands of every Soldier and said, "Thank you for your service".  I am well aware that this does still happen occasionally, but it is just not enough.  Most Soldiers aren't serving for the recognition, we do it for love of Country, and so our Children won't have to fight our battles in the future.

Instead of just mindlessly repeating the same "Thank you for your service" line, and then patting yourself on the back and telling everyone how much you support your troops, you actually REALLY do something for them or their families.  If you want to support them when they are deployed, tie a yellow ribbon around a tree, or mailbox.  If you know of a family in your neighborhood whose loved one is serving, offer to mow their lawn, or shovel their driveway.  Drop off dinner one night, or offer to babysit so the Spouse can have a few hours to themselves.  The littlest gestures go a long way when you are lonely for your loved one and taking on not just your own responsibilities, but your spouses as well.  They carry the weight of the world on their shoulders for periods as long as 12-18 months.  Any little show of appreciation for their Spouse goes a long way towards helping them to make it through.

Let's not forget the Veterans.  Not just of our current war, but of previous wars as well.  The Vietnam vets were treated like criminals when they came home, and honestly it hasn't gotten much better over time.  If you see a Vietnam Vet, shake their hand and tell them you appreciate their service. I'm telling you it will make their day. It shouldn't matter whether you feel a war is "justified" or not, you should always support your Troops. Our World War Vets are disappearing too rapidly.  Cherish the time we have left with them, if they talk, listen.  They have so much wisdom to share but not enough people are listening.

I am not trying to start a new fad here, just reminding you of the basics.  A yellow ribbon, wear red on Fridays, or lower your flag to half staff to honor a fallen Hero.  Almost a month ago, we lost a true life American Hero and we heard crickets from the White House.  No acknowledgment of the huge loss this Country suffered.  Just more vacations, golf games, and cover-ups. The First Lady has time to go on a late night talk show and dance, present an Oscar, and to go skiing.  She and the VP's Wife are supposed to be active in supporting our Troops and their families and not one word from them either.  This is a travesty.  So I say this to the White House: "I triple dog dare you" to make a statement to the press for flags to be lowered to half staff on March 2nd, one month since we lost such a great and honorable Hero.

To my fellow Patriots, I encourage you to show your support.  Lower your flags, tie up your ribbons, and take a moment during the day to think of Chris and of his Family.  Say a prayer to give them strength to make it through this tremendous loss.  Please don't let his sacrifice and the sacrifice of all of our fallen warriors be forgotten.  Continue the support. Leave the yellow ribbons up until all our Troops are home.  Tell the stories of our heroes to your Children so they will pass it on to theirs.  Don't let their memory fade.  Those who forget their past, are bound to repeat it.

Think Yellow! I dare you!

Respectfully yours,


“We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us.”

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Devil of Ramadi, RIP Chris Kyle

I found this video in my Facebook Feed, I am not sure who made it,but Thanks it was a very moving tribute to Chris and also to Taya, his Widow.  I feel saddened though.  Because our current Commander in Chief hasn't even acknowledged this tragic loss.  So to you Barack...I triple dog dare you to recognize Chris in some way on the one month Anniversary of his passing.  You see stupid videos go viral all the time, this one should be easy because Chris actually mattered, he was the true definition of a Hero.

To the asshat actor Bradley Cooper; Please stay away from portraying Chris in any way.  His death is not to be used as a tool for gun control.  My 2 cents worth of advice?  Offer the role to Dean Cain.  At least he respects and loves Chris and would do his best to honor him.

This message was brought to you by the Vet and his Wife.  Respectfully Yours, DV & DW

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Dysfunctional Veteran is a two time Veteran of the Iraq War (OIF) along with his Wife.
  After his last deployment, he decided to hang up his boots.  He had become fed up with the bureaucracy involved in the Military and saw the signs that this Country was being destroyed from the inside out.  Together with his Wife, he decided that he needed to get involved in defending his Country in other ways.  Thus the birth of The Dysfunctional Veteran and The Dysfunctional Wife. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Second Amendment was not written to limit us to this

To protect against this

Or this

The Second Amendment allows us to fight back
If the fight is brought to us

Foreign and Domestic

Gun Control and Assault Weapon Bans Only make more Criminals

Where will it stop


The Second Amendment allows us to defend ourselves against a corrupt force


This just in..!!!

The DysFUNctional Veteran

Women in Combat?
Serving 14 yrs service for this country, 2 deployments to I Crap.
This is my thought.
Women ARE in Combat. Wake up.

The issue is, Women in COMBAT MOS POSITIONS. If you don't know what that means,
GOOGLE IT!!!. (pause for effect)


I like the RULE OF 3. Why?  because I am part of the III% So this sounds good to me. HOWEVER, the current standards DO NOT change. Only for these jobs in question. Why? Because these are the jobs on the "FRONT LINES" The Tip of our sword. This is not the time or place for EO BS. These are individuals who must have a bond of trust and respect to thrive! Oh, and to Stay Alive.. In this type of environment LOWERING STANDARDS FOR ANYONE LOSES RESPECT FOR THAT INDIVIDUAL EVEN BEFORE IT HAPPENS DON'T "F" WITH IT
But why? (sobb sobb)
Because part of that Trust is when you stand side by side on graduation, you know that person next to you is an equal.  This is so the SOLDIER for this Country can focus on the job at hand and not worry about his FatBattle.(strickly a callsign)
Respectfully Yours The DV

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sorry We have been slow on this. We do most of our stuff on FB. Guess it's the place to be.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Wise words from Charlie Daniels

Charlie Daniels
Jan 30, 2013
If you read this column very often you know the frustration and disgust I feel for our government, their profligate spending, their all consuming passion for self-preservation, and the inevitable fall at the end of the ruinous path they seem so determined to force this nation down.
You know I’m deeply concerned about the rapid erosion of personal liberty and our president’s cavalier attitude toward the constitution and consolidation of power into a monolithic central, federal government, a bureaucratic nightmare that makes and enforces the rules, controlling even the administration of health care and the curriculum our children will study in school.
I fear the rampant apathy and lackadaisical work ethic of the entitlement society will become so deeply ingrained in the coming generations that the nanny state policies of this president and others like him who are likely to be elected will gradually drain the wealth and the will of the population until the well is bone dry and the confusion and anger of those who are suddenly left to fend for themselves will overrun the streets of this nation resulting in chaos and bloodshed.
I fear that this nation and this planet are in the midst of a great apostasy, or falling away from belief and faith in God as cults, false prophets and faddish feel-good religions pop up and capture the attention of many.
Even some of the old-line Christian denominations have tried to modernize their doctrine, bending the curve to accept things that are forbidden in the Bible, conveniently
Ignoring or subverting scriptures that fly in the face of the new age dogma they now embrace.
Anti-Semitism is on the rise around the world and while Islamic fanatics scream about the destruction of the State of Israel, the dominos in the Middle East fall one by one, with only the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan preventing the fulfillment of the ancient biblical prophecy that Jerusalem would be surrounded by armies.
Yes, I am very concerned about Israel. It is not the land of my birth, but when I became a Christian I was grafted into the root of Israel like a wild olive branch grafted on to a full-grown tree. The Bible says that salvation comes to the world through the Jews, the race of people by which the Creator of all mankind chose to reveal Himself to the world, the race into which my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born, the land where He would live and die on a cross for our sins.

Street gangs, flash mobs, drug cartels, incurable diseases, wholesale abortion the tearing down of traditional marriage and nuclear families, child molestation, the belittling of American exceptionalism, the export of manufacturing and jobs, murder, rape, home invasions, it’s enough to give a person a nervous breakdown, but then I have to stop and think.How could any true Christian not be concerned?
This world is just a short stop, only a testing ground on my eternal journey.
Any earthly leader or government, no matter how pervasive and powerful are only temporary place holders who will eventually pass into oblivion and be reduced to dust.
Israel will be battered and bloody but will never be completely destroyed and 85% of the vast armies allied against her in the final battle will be annihilated in the Jezreel Valley near Megiddo, known as Armageddon.
This earth with all its awesome military might, pompous politicians, mega-rich magnates and all the evil the powers of darkness can bring to bear are no more than a grain of sand compared to the indescribable power of the One who created the planets and flung them out across endless space, He who can part the sea and make the sun stand still.
Only One is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, He is everywhere, He knows everything and He can do anything. And yet in all His Majestic might, he cares for you to the point that He knows the number of hairs on your head.
His name is God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Dios to Spanish speakers, Gott to the Germans and so on, but He does have, always has had and always will have the last word and be the final judge in the affairs of mankind.
He will write the final pages of history.
We will all stand before Him and give account for our lives, every king, every president, every dictator, every super star, every human being.
Lord, please help me to keep my confidence in You and my mind on eternal things to come. Amen.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels